Air Duct Cleaners Near Okemos MI

Before & After Pictures of Intake Trunk Lines
Dryer Vent & Air Duct Cleaners Near Okemos MI
Air Ducts are the lungs of your home!
There are a lot of opinions when it comes to “air duct cleaning,” whether or not to have it done, and if it really helps indoor air quality. Would you agree that the HVAC system is acting as the lungs of your home? Our air ducts breath in and breath out, collecting, and distributing. You have some systems that are worse than others, and then you have systems that aren’t ready to be cleaned.
It all matters!
Here at Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning “it all matters” in hopes consumers do their research finding a company to clean correctly. An experienced technician with underpowered equipment, cannot clean a system correctly. An unexperienced technician with the right equipment, cannot clean a system correctly. To clean a system correctly you need both, so it all matters! Looking for air duct cleaners near Okemos MI, call (517) 885-3000.

Before & After Pictures of Air Lines
What are these pictures?
There are two sides of an HVAC system, 1.) Intake (cold air returns) & 2.) Air distribution (heat or air condition). In the beginning of this blog, the pictures are of the intake side of the system. Furthermore, the intake side of the system pulls air from a home into the HVAC system. Have you ever thought about why your filter is placed where it is? The filter separates the two sides of the system, filtering what the intake side of the system is pulling in. Also, stopping 70% of contaminants from being distributed on the air side. Lastly, the system is designed to pull, recycle, and provide air to be pushed.
When should you have your air ducts cleaned?
First, just take off an air distribution vent and snap a picture. The intake side will more than likely be dirty, but what matters most is the air distribution side. Why does the air side matter more, because it’s what has already bypass the filter and is being pushed back inside of a home. Amber’s Air Duct cleaning are your local air duct cleaners near Okemos MI.