Cheaper Isn’t Better When It Comes to Air Duct Cleaning
There’s a lot of talk about indoor air quality these days and many households are exploring options for HVAC system cleaning. It may feel like no cost is too high for cleaner air but the reality is that expensive services tend to scare everyone off. Air duct cleaning isn’t cheap (when it’s done right) but it also won’t break the bank. Cheaper isn’t better when it comes to air duct cleaning.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), duct cleaning services can range in cost from $450 to $1,000 for each system. It can vary by location across the country. So you may ask, “how do these air duct cleaning businesses calculate the cost of cleaning my HVAC system?” There are several factors that influence the cost. The type of ductwork in the home, the size of the system, accessibility to the system, the number of technicians needed to do the job are all factors that determine your final price.
The amount of time it takes to clean the HVAC system in a home depends on many of the same variables listed above. For instance, air duct cleaning for a 10,000-square-foot home with two HVAC systems will cost a lot more than a 2,000 square-foot home with a single unit.
While air duct cleaning is not a “one-size-fits-all” service, getting your system cleaned will help reduce the utility bills. This allows homeowners to recoup the cost of the service. By removing debris from your units sensitive components will help the system run more efficiently. Plus, clean systems typically have a longer lifespan and operate more effectively than dirty systems.
Do you ever get those flyers in your mailbox for air duct cleaning deals and they seem too good to be true? Well, they probably are! It’s easy to jump into a service that is super cheap but, you should do some research and ask yourself, will a cheap deal get the job done correctly?
When it comes to the home improvement and repair industry, most contractors out there are honest and fair. Like any industry, the air duct cleaning business does have scammers looking to take advantage of homeowners. When it comes to air duct cleaning specifically, homeowners should look out for companies that often offer homeowners an unrealistic price. They then do an inferior job, only cleaning what the homeowner can see. They will leave dirt and contaminants deep within the system.
When you’re ready to tackle those air ducts, reach out to Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning. We strive to provide quality service and improve your indoor air quality. Call (517) 885-3000 to schedule your professional air duct cleaning.