Dust mites thrive in warm, humid conditions such as in your air ducts, bedding and carpets? According to professional Allergists, nearly one in four homes contain extremely high levels of dust mite allergens. In addition, 20 million Americans, or 10 percent of the population, are seriously affected by dust mite allergies every year.
Allergy symptoms are produced by your body as a reaction to allergens (foreign particles). This is a sign that your immune system is working overtime. These allergens can build up inside your indoor AC duct system. When dirt and other unwanted allergens enter your HVAC system it blows into your living space when turned on. Unfiltered air then recirculates until it is properly cleaned. Due to this factor, some allergy sufferers are more miserable indoors than outdoors.
Duct cleaning alone will clean your airlines, but is not going to eliminate all of the dust in the HVAC system, that is a little more complex. According to the EPA, some research suggests that cleaning a home’s ventilation system may improve the efficiency of your system, however, little evidence proves that cleaning only the airlines will improve the indoor air quality. Cleaning out vents won’t get the job done; you have to track back to the core of your HVAC system which is the A coil, the blower, and plenum.
A majority of air duct cleaning companies tend to do low budget, quick cleaning. Cheap duct cleaning will not give your household allergy relief. Allergy relief comes from a duct cleaning company with the knowledge, expertise and integrity to clean in detail. Our technicians use specialized tools which allow them to scrub thoroughly, deep down the entire length out the ducts. A proper duct cleaning relieves most allergens.
Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning cares and wants to help customers obtain better health by improving indoor air quality.We are your local air duct cleaners in Lansing, MI! Call (517) 885-3000 to schedule your air duct cleaning!
By aaron84lee|2021-08-24T18:34:04+00:00July 21st, 2021|Cleaning Blog|Comments Off on How Duct Cleaning Can Help Your Allergies