Air Duct Cleaners Near Mason MI

Before & After of Air Lines
Dryer & Air Duct Cleaning in Mason, MI
Vent Cleaning in Mason, MI
In the pictures above, it gives a visual of dirty air lines. This is the air that’s distributed throughout your home. There’s no filter beyond this point, what you see is what you’re breathing in. These contaminates are a combination what has fell down into the vent and what has passed through the filter. Are you looking for local air duct cleaners in Mason MI? Call (517) 885-3000, Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning, a company you can trust!
Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning Services Mason, MI
Amber’s has been serving the Mason Community for over 3 years. We have been in hundreds of homes providing vent cleaning in Mason, MI. The City of Mason is beautiful, but it has a lot of country/farm land. The combination between country/farm land and strong winds will be sure to bring in allergens, dirt, and debris. Not to mention, we have removed/cleaned field mice out of numerous systems.
Air Duct Cleaning Near Me?
First, are you searching for duct cleaning services in your area? If you’re looking for a reputable air duct cleaning company, perform a Google search. Also, do some research on that company, because even if they’re rated highly doesn’t mean they will clean your HVAC system correctly. In addition, most companies like to use scare tactics or advertise their dirtiest pictures. If you’re not sure if your system needs to be cleaned, ask for a free inspection. Any reputable duct cleaning companies will provide a free inspection.

Before & After of Intake Trunklines
Air Ducts will get dirty!
Although these are not the dirtiest pictures, this is a recent job in Mason, and these air ducts are still really dirty. The intake side of the HVAC system is what pulls in the existing indoor air and is recycled through a filter. This side of the system is often the “dirtier” side. It takes years before a system needs to be cleaned. Amber’s Air duct Cleaning are your local air duct cleaners near me in Mason MI.
“How do I choose a Duct Cleaner?”
It’s not an easy answer, because price has the biggest influence when it comes to a decision. Furthermore, every air duct cleaning company claims to be “the best,” but that can’t be true. Also, you may hear companies say the have the most powerful equipment on the market, again can’t be true.
If you reside in the City of Mason, Michigan and are searching duct cleaning services be sure to ask questions. Here is a small list of questions you should ask:
- Can you send me a copy of your insurance.
- What are the specifications on your equipment.
- What is your process & method of cleaning my ducts.
- Do you protect my furnace? How?
- How long will the cleaning take.
In conclusion to these questions being answered, you should find a company you feel will do the job you’re looking for. The answer to these questions should be without hesitation.
- A copy of insurance will hold trust.
- The specifications should be at a minimum of 4,000 cfm of negative suction for the air duct cleaning machine, preferably a gas powered unit. You’re looking for someone with at least a 30 gallon high powered gas air compressor that has a minimum of 27 cfm and 175psi. The cfm of the air compressor is how fast the tank will refill to maintain its psi.
- The process is a detailed from start to finish game plan. Method should always be a push-pull.
- Absolutely they should answer yes to protecting your furnace.
- A cleaning should take around 3 hours.