Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning

air duct cleaners near me in Lansing mi

Commercial & Residential Air Duct Cleaners Near Me In Lansing MI

Don’t know if you need to have your air ducts cleaned?

So, the question is “how do you know when you need your HVAC system cleaned?” In the first place, you may want to find out if the HVAC system has ever been cleaned and if it has by who. Yes, “by who,” because you need to know if it was cleaned correctly. In light of this question, you may now be asking yourself, “how do I know if it was cleaned correctly?” Great question! You can always do a Google search “Air Duct Cleaners Near Me In Lansing MI,” or call (517) 885-3000 for a FREE inspection.

Honestly, you would have to know who cleaned the system, with what equipment, method applied, and the process that was used. That is a lot of information to gather and you may not have the time to dig that deep. So, take your camera on your phone, take off the vent cover to a heat/supply register, face your camera in the direction in which the air line runs, and snap a picture. This particular picture is going going to give you an idea what it is you’re breathing.

What are trunk lines?

Trunk lines are like the big branches on a tree that have little branches (Air Lines or Intake Pans) that come off of them. Trunk lines are found close to the furnace, they’re big pieces of duct metal. Furthermore, the picture above is the trunk line that distributes air to all of the air lines.

Indeed, the trunk line will be dirtier than an air line. At first glance, you may be saying “that doesn’t look that dirty,” but in reality an air distribution trunk line or an air line shouldn’t look like this. Trunk lines can be looked at as collection pans/points.

Although filters do a great job capturing 70-90% of contaminants, over time 10-30% of microscopic contaminants bypass the filter, hitting the blower, going up through the a-coil if there is one, and being distributed throughout the home. Taking a closer look at the sides of the duct work and top you distinctively can tell the difference of the amount of buildup that’s at the bottom.

In due time HVAC systems need to be cleaned, but not as often as one may assume or a company recommends. As a matter of fact, we’ve heard from clients that other companies have recommended a yearly cleaning and that’s just flat our WRONG! On the other hand, a company may recommend 3-5 years and that’s pretty standard, but that always isn’t the case.

air duct cleaners near me in Lansing mi

Do You Think Air Duct Cleaning Will Make a Difference?

We believe if a HVAC system is cleaned correctly it will make a difference, but it depends on how you define difference. In the light of removing the contaminants in an HVAC system, it just makes sense that it will improve indoor air quality. 

From taking a look at the before and now that after, what are your thoughts? Do you think this would or could make a difference in the air you breath in your home? 

When Should You Have Your Ducts Cleaned

In due time, every HVAC systems need to be cleaned, but not as often as one may assume or a company recommends. As a matter of fact, we’ve heard from clients that other companies have recommended a yearly cleaning and that’s just flat our WRONG! On the other hand, a company may recommend 3-5 years and that’s pretty standard, but that always isn’t the case.

Would you believe us if we told you this might be the last time you ever need them cleaned? Well, it happens and we’ve actually told a few of our clients they will never need to have their HVAC system cleaned again. However, that doesn’t mean they will not need their furnace cleaned.

There are factors such as:

  • Age of the building/home

  • Occupants 

  • People’s way of living

  • Renovation 

  • Rodent/Insect issues

  • Pets

Hopefully, we’ve cleared up some question you may have had and have given you enough information to ask questions when hiring a company to clean your HVAC system. Call (517) 885-3000 for your local Air Duct Cleaners Near Me in Lansing MI.

Amber’s Air Duct Cleaners Near Me in Lansing MI, Okemos, Haslett, Williamston, Mason, Holt, Dimondale, Potterville, Charlotte, Grand Ledge, Fowler, St. Johns, DeWitt, Bath, & Lansing, Michigan.