Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning in Haslett MI
Commercial & Residential Air Duct Cleaning in Haslett MI
What may look like a little, is a lot!
Indeed, it doesn’t take much to trigger allergies, asthma or compromised respiratory issues. In fact, it’s inevitable that dust, dust mites, pollen, dirt and other contaminants make it through the furnace filter. Although, the furnace filter does serve a mighty purpose of catching 70-90% of the contaminants, that leaves a significant amount circulating throughout homes.
Looking at the picture above, one might say, “it’s not that dirty.” What if the debris in this picture was on your kitchen counter, would you clean it? Absolutely you would clean it, because you can see it! More importantly, this isn’t floating visibly around your home, but it’s what you and your family are breathing in. Remember, the furnace filter catches the majority, but it makes sense that microscopic contaminants get through.
In conclusion, it only takes a little to feel like it’s a lot! For a person with allergies, asthma or compromised respiratory issues, breathing air different than the ones who don’t have any of these issues. Do you or a family member you live with have any of these conditions? Improve your indoor air quality today by calling (517) 885-3000, Amber’s Air Duct Cleaning in Haslett MI.
Where did the contaminants go?
As a result of using gas compressed air, breaking up all the loose contaminants, and they’re extracted into our high powered air duct cleaning machine. You may be asking, “Why do I still see a layer of dust?” In the event that, dust and moisture meet it can create a condensation hard like concrete. Let us reassure you, what you see is NOT moving. Keep in mind, we don’t polish air ducts, we clean them thoroughly!
Furthermore, HyperVac Technologies explains the three stage filtration system:
The primary filter catches the larger, visible debris. The Filter bag is an NMO 100 micron rating nylon bag.
The secondary filter is the Biostatic Wrap which covers the main Cartridge and catches the smaller contaminants that get through the filter bag.
The third stage is the main Filter Cartridge. This Cartridge is the core of the filtration system and catches all the microscopic contaminants.
In summary, all the contaminants are collected in our air duct cleaning machine. In one of the three stages of the filtration system, you will find what was inside of the HVAC system. From that point, the machine is taken from the homes, cleaned, and disinfected. Check out this video below:
We could’ve have shown you the BEST before and after picture from Amber’s Air Duct cleaning in Haslett MI, but honesty and integrity is how we do business! Call (517) 885-3000 if you’re interested in scheduling or would like us to come and inspect your system free of charge! Amber’s Air Duct Cleaners are in Haslett, Okemos, Williamston, and East Lansing, MI.